Wednesday, April 21, 2010


"Drawing Restraint 9" (2006) by Matthew Barney

Cast polycarprolactone thermoplastic, aquaplast and self-lubricating plastic; 36.5 x 114 x 80"

1 comment:

  1. Drawing upon an athletic model of development in which growth occurs only through restraint: the muscle encounters resistance, becomes engorged and is broken down, and in healing becomes stronger.

    A series that started as a documented performance of drawing, after #7, Barney began to explore narrative, movie to video and sculpture which would appear in his videos.

    This piece is created along with a film by the same name, both dealing with subjects of whaling (as seen in the harpoon and tools) and its ties to the petroleum market (hinted toward in the material's used resemblances to petroleum products)
